Changelog ========= Version are structured like the following: ``..``. The first `0.1` release does not properly adhere to this. Unless explicitly stated, changes are made by `Andreas Runfalk `_. Version 2.0.0 ------------- Released on UNRELEASED This release modernizes Spans and gets rid of legacy bits. - Drop Python 2.7 support - Drop Python 3.4 support (might still work but it's unsupported) - Drop Python 3.5 support (might still work but it's unsupported) - Drop Python 3.6 support (might still work but it's unsupported) - Add Python 3.10 support (was working but is now actively tested) Version 1.1.1 ------------- Released on 21st April, 2021 - Normalize ranges to be empty when start and end is the same and either bound is exclusive (`bug #18 `_, `lgharibashvili `_) Version 1.1.0 ------------- Released on 2nd June, 2019 This release changes a lot of internal implementation details that should prevent methods from not handling unbounded ranges correctly in the future. - Added validation to ensure unbounded ranges are never inclusive - Changed ``__repr__`` for ranges to be more similar to proper Python syntax. The old representation looked like mismatched parentheses. For instance ``floatrange((,10.0])`` becomes ``floatrange(upper=10.0, upper_inc=True)`` - Dropped Python 3.3 support since it's been EOL for almost two years. It probably still works but it is no longer tested - Fixed pickling of empty range sets not working (`bug #14 `_) - Fixed :meth:`~spans.types.Range.union` not working properly with unbounded ranges - Fixed lowerly unbounded ranges improperly being lower inclusive - Fixed :meth:`~spans.types.Range.startswith` and :meth:`~spans.types.Range.endsbefore` being not handling empty ranges Version 1.0.2 ------------- Released on 22th February, 2019 - Fixed :meth:`~spans.types.Range.union` when ``upper_inc`` is set to ``True`` (`bug #11 `_, `Michael Krahe `_) Version 1.0.1 ------------- Released on 31st January, 2018 - Fixed ``PartialOrderingMixin`` not using ``__slots__`` (`bug #10 `_) Version 1.0.0 ------------- Released on 8th June, 2017 - Added ``NotImplemented`` for ``<<`` and ``>>`` operators when there is a type mismatch - Added ``|`` operator for unions of :class:`~spans.types.Range` and ``NotImplemented`` support for :class:`~spans.settypes.RangeSet` - Added ``&`` operator for intersections of :class:`~spans.types.Range` and ``NotImplemented`` support for :class:`~spans.settypes.RangeSet` - Added ``-`` operator for differences of :class:`~spans.types.Range` and ``NotImplemented`` support for :class:`~spans.settypes.RangeSet` - Added ``reversed()`` iterator support for :class:`~spans.types.DiscreteRange` - Fixed overlap with empty range incorrectly returns ``True`` (`bug #7 `_) - Fixed issue with :meth:`~spans.types.Range.contains` for scalars on unbounded ranges - Fixed type check for :meth:`~spans.types.Range.right_of` - Fixed type check for :meth:`~spans.settypes.RangeSet.contains` - Fixed type check for :meth:`~spans.settypes.RangeSet.union` - Fixed type check for :meth:`~spans.settypes.RangeSet.intersection` - Fixed type check for :meth:`~spans.settypes.RangeSet.difference` - Fixed infinite iterators not being supported for :class:`~spans.types.DiscreteRange` Version 0.5.0 ------------- Released on 16th April, 2017 This release is a preparation for a stable 1.0 release. - Fixed comparison operators when working with empty or unbounded ranges. They would previously raise exceptions. Ranges are now partially ordered instead of totally ordered - Added more unit tests - Renamed classes to match :pep:`8#class-names` conventions. This does not apply to classes that works on built-in that does not follow :pep:`8#class-names`. - Refactored :meth:`~spans.types.Range.left_of` - Refactored :meth:`~spans.types.Range.overlap` - Refactored :meth:`~spans.types.Range.union` Version 0.4.0 ------------- Released on 20th March, 2017 This release is called 0.4.1 on PyPI because I messed up the upload. - Added new argument to :meth:`~spans.types.daterange.from_date` for working with different kinds of date intervals. The argument accepts a period of either ``"day"`` (default), ``"week"`` (ISO week), ``"american_week"`` (starts on sunday), ``"month"``, ``"quarter"`` or ``"year"``. - Added new methods to :class:`~spans.types.daterange` for working with different kinds of date intervals: :meth:`~spans.types.daterange.from_week`, :meth:`~spans.types.daterange.from_month`, :meth:`~spans.types.daterange.from_quarter` and :meth:`~spans.types.daterange.from_year`. - Added a new class :class:`~spans.types.PeriodRange` for working with periods like weeks, months, quarters or years. It inherits all methods from :class:`~spans.types.daterange` and is aware of its own period type. It allows things like getting the previous or next week. - Fixed :class:`~spans.types.daterange` not accepting subclasses of ``date`` (`bug #5 `_) - Fixed some broken doctests - Moved unit tests to `pytest `_ - Removed `Tox `_ config - Minor documentation tweaks Version 0.3.0 ------------- Released on 26th August, 2016 - Added documentation for :meth:`~spans.settypes.RangeSet.__iter__` - Fixed intersection of multiple range sets not working correctly (`bug #3 `_) - Fixed iteration of :class:`~spans.settypes.RangeSet` returning an empty range when ``RangeSet`` is empty (`bug #4 `_) .. warning:: This change is backwards incompatible to code that expect range sets to always return at least one set when iterating. Version 0.2.1 ------------- Released on 27th June, 2016 - Fixed :class:`~spans.settypes.RangeSet` not returning ``NotImplemented`` when comparing to classes that are not sub classes of ``RangeSet``, pull request `#2 `_ (`Michael Krahe `_) - Updated license in ```` to follow `recommendations `_ by PyPA Version 0.2.0 ------------- Released on 22nd December, 2015 - Added :meth:`~spans.settypes.RangeSet.__len__` to range sets (`Michael Krahe `_) - Added :meth:`~spans.settypes.RangeSet.contains` to range sets (`Michael Krahe `_) - Added `Sphinx `_ style doc strings to all methods - Added proper Sphinx documentation - Added unit tests for uncovered parts, mostly error checking - Added `wheel `_ to PyPI along with source distribution - Fixed a potential bug where comparing ranges of different types would result in an infinite loop - Changed meta class implementation for range sets to allow more mixins for custom range sets Version 0.1.4 ------------- Released on 15th May, 2015 - Added :attr:`~spans.types.DiscreteRange.last` property to :class:`~spans.types.DiscreteRange` - Added :meth:`~spans.types.daterange.from_date` helper to :class:`~spans.types.daterange` - Added more unit tests - Improved pickle implementation - Made type checking more strict for date ranges to prevent ``datetime`` from being allowed in :class:`~spans.types.daterange` Version 0.1.3 ------------- Released on 27th February, 2015 - Added :meth:`~spans.types.OffsetableRangeMixin.offset` to some range types - Added :meth:`~spans.settypes.OffsetableRangeSetMixin.offset` to some range set types - Added sanity checks to range boundaries - Fixed incorrect ``__slots__`` usage, resulting in ``__slots__`` not being used on most ranges - Fixed pickling of ranges and range sets - Simplified creation of new range sets, by the use of the meta class :class:`~spans.settypes.MetaRangeSet` Version 0.1.2 ------------- Released on 13th June, 2014 - Fix for inproper version detection on Ubuntu's bundled Python interpreter Version 0.1.1 ------------- Released on 12th June, 2014 - Readme fixes - Syntax highlighting for PyPI page Version 0.1.0 ------------- Released on 30th August, 2013 - Initial release