Source code for storm.database

# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Canonical
# Written by Gustavo Niemeyer <>
# This file is part of Storm Object Relational Mapper.
# Storm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Storm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Basic database interfacing mechanisms for Storm.

This is the common code for database support; specific databases are
supported in modules in L{storm.databases}.

from importlib import import_module

from storm.compat import iter_range, string_types, ustr
from storm.expr import Expr, State, compile
# Circular import: imported at the end of the module.
# from storm.tracer import trace
from storm.variables import Variable
from storm.xid import Xid
from storm.exceptions import (
    ClosedError, ConnectionBlockedError, DatabaseError, DisconnectionError,
    Error, ProgrammingError)
from storm.uri import URI
import storm

__all__ = ["Database", "Connection", "Result",
           "convert_param_marks", "create_database", "register_scheme"]


[docs]class Result(object): """A representation of the results from a single SQL statement.""" _closed = False def __init__(self, connection, raw_cursor): self._connection = connection # Ensures deallocation order. self._raw_cursor = raw_cursor if raw_cursor.arraysize == 1: # Default of 1 is silly. self._raw_cursor.arraysize = 10 def __del__(self): """Close the cursor.""" try: self.close() except: pass
[docs] def close(self): """Close the underlying raw cursor, if it hasn't already been closed. """ if not self._closed: self._closed = True self._raw_cursor.close() self._raw_cursor = None
[docs] def get_one(self): """Fetch one result from the cursor. The result will be converted to an appropriate format via L{from_database}. @raise DisconnectionError: Raised when the connection is lost. Reconnection happens automatically on rollback. @return: A converted row or None, if no data is left. """ row = self._connection._check_disconnect(self._raw_cursor.fetchone) if row is not None: return tuple(self.from_database(row)) return None
[docs] def get_all(self): """Fetch all results from the cursor. The results will be converted to an appropriate format via L{from_database}. @raise DisconnectionError: Raised when the connection is lost. Reconnection happens automatically on rollback. """ result = self._connection._check_disconnect(self._raw_cursor.fetchall) if result: return [tuple(self.from_database(row)) for row in result] return result
def __iter__(self): """Yield all results, one at a time. The results will be converted to an appropriate format via L{from_database}. @raise DisconnectionError: Raised when the connection is lost. Reconnection happens automatically on rollback. """ while True: results = self._connection._check_disconnect( self._raw_cursor.fetchmany) if not results: break for result in results: yield tuple(self.from_database(result)) @property def rowcount(self): """ See PEP 249 for further details on rowcount. @return: the number of affected rows, or None if the database backend does not provide this information. Return value is undefined if all results have not yet been retrieved. """ if self._raw_cursor.rowcount == -1: return None return self._raw_cursor.rowcount
[docs] def get_insert_identity(self, primary_columns, primary_variables): """Get a query which will return the row that was just inserted. This must be overridden in database-specific subclasses. @rtype: L{storm.expr.Expr} """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def set_variable(variable, value): """Set the given variable's value from the database.""" variable.set(value, from_db=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_database(row): """Convert a row fetched from the database to an agnostic format. This method is intended to be overridden in subclasses, but not called externally. If there are any peculiarities in the datatypes returned from a database backend, this method should be overridden in the backend subclass to convert them. """ return row
[docs]class Connection(object): """A connection to a database. @cvar result_factory: A callable which takes this L{Connection} and the backend cursor and returns an instance of L{Result}. @type param_mark: C{str} @cvar param_mark: The dbapi paramstyle that the database backend expects. @type compile: L{storm.expr.Compile} @cvar compile: The compiler to use for connections of this type. """ result_factory = Result param_mark = "?" compile = compile _blocked = False _closed = False _two_phase_transaction = False # If True, a two-phase transaction has # been started with begin() _state = STATE_CONNECTED def __init__(self, database, event=None): self._database = database # Ensures deallocation order. self._event = event self._raw_connection = self._database.raw_connect() def __del__(self): """Close the connection.""" try: self.close() except: pass
[docs] def block_access(self): """Block access to the connection. Attempts to execute statements or commit a transaction will result in a C{ConnectionBlockedError} exception. Rollbacks are permitted as that operation is often used in case of failures. """ self._blocked = True
[docs] def unblock_access(self): """Unblock access to the connection.""" self._blocked = False
[docs] def execute(self, statement, params=None, noresult=False): """Execute a statement with the given parameters. @type statement: L{Expr} or C{str} @param statement: The statement to execute. It will be compiled if necessary. @param noresult: If True, no result will be returned. @raise ConnectionBlockedError: Raised if access to the connection has been blocked with L{block_access}. @raise DisconnectionError: Raised when the connection is lost. Reconnection happens automatically on rollback. @return: The result of C{self.result_factory}, or None if C{noresult} is True. """ if self._closed: raise ClosedError("Connection is closed") if self._blocked: raise ConnectionBlockedError("Access to connection is blocked") if self._event: self._event.emit("register-transaction") self._ensure_connected() if isinstance(statement, Expr): if params is not None: raise ValueError("Can't pass parameters with expressions") state = State() statement = self.compile(statement, state) params = state.parameters statement = convert_param_marks(statement, "?", self.param_mark) raw_cursor = self.raw_execute(statement, params) if noresult: self._check_disconnect(raw_cursor.close) return None return self.result_factory(self, raw_cursor)
[docs] def close(self): """Close the connection if it is not already closed.""" if not self._closed: self._closed = True if self._raw_connection is not None: self._raw_connection.close() self._raw_connection = None
[docs] def begin(self, xid): """Begin a two-phase transaction.""" if self._two_phase_transaction: raise ProgrammingError("begin cannot be used inside a transaction") self._ensure_connected() raw_xid = self._raw_xid(xid) self._check_disconnect(self._raw_connection.tpc_begin, raw_xid) self._two_phase_transaction = True
[docs] def prepare(self): """Run the prepare phase of a two-phase transaction.""" if not self._two_phase_transaction: raise ProgrammingError("prepare must be called inside a two-phase " "transaction") self._check_disconnect(self._raw_connection.tpc_prepare)
[docs] def commit(self, xid=None): """Commit the connection. @param xid: Optionally the L{Xid} of a previously prepared transaction to commit. This form should be called outside of a transaction, and is intended for use in recovery. @raise ConnectionBlockedError: Raised if access to the connection has been blocked with L{block_access}. @raise DisconnectionError: Raised when the connection is lost. Reconnection happens automatically on rollback. """ try: self._ensure_connected() if xid: raw_xid = self._raw_xid(xid) self._check_disconnect(self._raw_connection.tpc_commit, raw_xid) elif self._two_phase_transaction: self._check_disconnect(self._raw_connection.tpc_commit) self._two_phase_transaction = False else: self._check_disconnect(self._raw_connection.commit) finally: self._check_disconnect(trace, "connection_commit", self, xid)
[docs] def recover(self): """Return a list of L{Xid} representing pending transactions.""" self._ensure_connected() raw_xids = self._check_disconnect(self._raw_connection.tpc_recover) return [Xid(raw_xid[0], raw_xid[1], raw_xid[2]) for raw_xid in raw_xids]
[docs] def rollback(self, xid=None): """Rollback the connection. @param xid: Optionally the L{Xid} of a previously prepared transaction to rollback. This form should be called outside of a transaction, and is intended for use in recovery. """ try: if self._state == STATE_CONNECTED: try: if xid: raw_xid = self._raw_xid(xid) self._raw_connection.tpc_rollback(raw_xid) elif self._two_phase_transaction: self._raw_connection.tpc_rollback() else: self._raw_connection.rollback() except Error as exc: if self.is_disconnection_error(exc): self._raw_connection = None self._state = STATE_RECONNECT self._two_phase_transaction = False else: raise else: self._two_phase_transaction = False else: self._two_phase_transaction = False self._state = STATE_RECONNECT finally: self._check_disconnect(trace, "connection_rollback", self, xid)
[docs] @staticmethod def to_database(params): """Convert some parameters into values acceptable to a database backend. It is acceptable to override this method in subclasses, but it is not intended to be used externally. This delegates conversion to any L{Variable} in the parameter list, and passes through all other values untouched. """ for param in params: if isinstance(param, Variable): yield param.get(to_db=True) else: yield param
[docs] def build_raw_cursor(self): """Get a new dbapi cursor object. It is acceptable to override this method in subclasses, but it is not intended to be called externally. """ return self._raw_connection.cursor()
[docs] def raw_execute(self, statement, params=None): """Execute a raw statement with the given parameters. It's acceptable to override this method in subclasses, but it is not intended to be called externally. If the global C{DEBUG} is True, the statement will be printed to standard out. @return: The dbapi cursor object, as fetched from L{build_raw_cursor}. """ raw_cursor = self._check_disconnect(self.build_raw_cursor) self._prepare_execution(raw_cursor, params, statement) args = self._execution_args(params, statement) self._run_execution(raw_cursor, args, params, statement) return raw_cursor
def _execution_args(self, params, statement): """Get the appropriate statement execution arguments.""" if params: args = (statement, tuple(self.to_database(params))) else: args = (statement,) return args def _run_execution(self, raw_cursor, args, params, statement): """Complete the statement execution, along with result reports.""" try: self._check_disconnect(raw_cursor.execute, *args) except Exception as error: self._check_disconnect( trace, "connection_raw_execute_error", self, raw_cursor, statement, params or (), error) raise else: self._check_disconnect( trace, "connection_raw_execute_success", self, raw_cursor, statement, params or ()) def _prepare_execution(self, raw_cursor, params, statement): """Prepare the statement execution to be run.""" try: self._check_disconnect( trace, "connection_raw_execute", self, raw_cursor, statement, params or ()) except Exception as error: self._check_disconnect( trace, "connection_raw_execute_error", self, raw_cursor, statement, params or (), error) raise def _ensure_connected(self): """Ensure that we are connected to the database. If the connection is marked as dead, or if we can't reconnect, then raise DisconnectionError. """ if self._blocked: raise ConnectionBlockedError("Access to connection is blocked") if self._state == STATE_CONNECTED: return elif self._state == STATE_DISCONNECTED: raise DisconnectionError("Already disconnected") elif self._state == STATE_RECONNECT: try: self._raw_connection = self._database.raw_connect() except DatabaseError as exc: self._state = STATE_DISCONNECTED self._raw_connection = None raise DisconnectionError(ustr(exc)) else: self._state = STATE_CONNECTED
[docs] def is_disconnection_error(self, exc, extra_disconnection_errors=()): """Check whether an exception represents a database disconnection. This should be overridden by backends to detect whichever exception values are used to represent this condition. """ return False
def _raw_xid(self, xid): """Return a raw xid from the given high-level L{Xid} object.""" return self._raw_connection.xid(xid.format_id, xid.global_transaction_id, xid.branch_qualifier) def _check_disconnect(self, function, *args, **kwargs): """Run the given function, checking for database disconnections.""" # Allow the caller to specify additional exception types that # should be treated as possible disconnection errors. extra_disconnection_errors = kwargs.pop( 'extra_disconnection_errors', ()) try: return function(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: if self.is_disconnection_error(exc, extra_disconnection_errors): self._state = STATE_DISCONNECTED self._raw_connection = None raise DisconnectionError(ustr(exc)) else: raise
[docs] def preset_primary_key(self, primary_columns, primary_variables): """Process primary variables before an insert happens. This method may be overwritten by backends to implement custom changes in primary variables before an insert happens. """
[docs]class Database(object): """A database that can be connected to. This should be subclassed for individual database backends. @cvar connection_factory: A callable which will take this database and should return an instance of L{Connection}. """ connection_factory = Connection def __init__(self, uri=None): self._uri = uri
[docs] def get_uri(self): """Return the URI object this database was created with.""" return self._uri
[docs] def connect(self, event=None): """Create a connection to the database. It calls C{self.connection_factory} to allow for ease of customization. @param event: The event system to broadcast messages with. If not specified, then no events will be broadcast. @return: An instance of L{Connection}. """ return self.connection_factory(self, event)
[docs] def raw_connect(self): """Create a raw database connection. This is used by L{Connection} objects to connect to the database. It should be overriden in subclasses to do any database-specific connection setup. @return: A DB-API connection object. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def convert_param_marks(statement, from_param_mark, to_param_mark): # TODO: Add support for $foo$bar$foo$ literals. if from_param_mark == to_param_mark or from_param_mark not in statement: return statement tokens = statement.split("'") for i in iter_range(0, len(tokens), 2): tokens[i] = tokens[i].replace(from_param_mark, to_param_mark) return "'".join(tokens)
_database_schemes = {}
[docs]def register_scheme(scheme, factory): """Register a handler for a new database URI scheme. @param scheme: the database URI scheme @param factory: a function taking a URI instance and returning a database. """ _database_schemes[scheme] = factory
[docs]def create_database(uri): """Create a database instance. @param uri: An URI instance, or a string describing the URI. Some examples: - ``sqlite:`` An in memory sqlite database. - ``sqlite:example.db`` A SQLite database called example.db - ``postgres:test`` The database 'test' from the local postgres server. - ``postgres://user:password@host/test`` The database test on machine host with supplied user credentials, using postgres. - ``anything:...`` Where 'anything' has previously been registered with L{register_scheme}. """ if isinstance(uri, string_types): uri = URI(uri) if uri.scheme in _database_schemes: factory = _database_schemes[uri.scheme] else: module = import_module("%s.databases.%s" % (storm.__name__, uri.scheme)) factory = module.create_from_uri return factory(uri)
# Deal with circular import. from storm.tracer import trace