Source code for storm.databases.postgres

# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Canonical
# Written by Gustavo Niemeyer <>
# This file is part of Storm Object Relational Mapper.
# Storm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Storm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from datetime import datetime, date, time, timedelta
import json

from storm.databases import dummy

    import psycopg2
    import psycopg2.extensions
except ImportError:
    psycopg2 = dummy

from storm.compat import bstr, iter_zip, ustr
from storm.expr import (
    Undef, Expr, SetExpr, Select, Insert, Alias, And, Eq, FuncExpr, SQLRaw,
    Sequence, Like, SQLToken, BinaryOper, COLUMN, COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_PREFIX,
    TABLE, compile, compile_select, compile_insert, compile_set_expr,
    compile_like, compile_sql_token)
from storm.variables import (
    Variable, ListVariable, JSONVariable as BaseJSONVariable)
from import SimpleProperty
from storm.database import Database, Connection, Result
from storm.exceptions import (
    install_exceptions, DatabaseError, DatabaseModuleError, InterfaceError,
    OperationalError, ProgrammingError, TimeoutError, Error)

compile = compile.create_child()

[docs]class Returning(Expr): """Appends the "RETURNING <columns>" suffix to an INSERT or UPDATE. @param expr: an L{Insert} or L{Update} expression. @param columns: The columns to return, if C{None} then C{expr.primary_columns} will be used. This is only supported in PostgreSQL 8.2+. """ def __init__(self, expr, columns=None): self.expr = expr self.columns = columns
[docs]@compile.when(Returning) def compile_returning(compile, expr, state): state.push("context", COLUMN) columns = expr.columns or expr.expr.primary_columns columns = compile(columns, state) state.pop() state.push("precedence", 0) expr = compile(expr.expr, state) state.pop() return "%s RETURNING %s" % (expr, columns)
[docs]class Case(Expr): """A CASE statement. @params cases: a list of tuples of (condition, result) or (value, result), if an expression is passed too. @param expression: the expression to compare (if the simple form is used). @param default: an optional default condition if no other case matches. """ def __init__(self, cases, expression=Undef, default=Undef): self.cases = cases self.expression = expression self.default = default
[docs]@compile.when(Case) def compile_case(compile, expr, state): cases = [ "WHEN %s THEN %s" % ( compile(condition, state), compile(value, state)) for condition, value in expr.cases] if expr.expression is not Undef: expression = compile(expr.expression, state) + " " else: expression = "" if expr.default is not Undef: default = " ELSE %s" % compile(expr.default, state) else: default = "" return "CASE %s%s%s END" % (expression, " ".join(cases), default)
[docs]class currval(FuncExpr): name = "currval" def __init__(self, column): self.column = column
[docs]@compile.when(currval) def compile_currval(compile, expr, state): """Compile a currval. This is a bit involved because we have to get escaping right. Here are a few cases to keep in mind:: currval('thetable_thecolumn_seq') currval('theschema.thetable_thecolumn_seq') currval('"the schema".thetable_thecolumn_seq') currval('theschema."the table_thecolumn_seq"') currval('theschema."thetable_the column_seq"') currval('"thetable_the column_seq"') currval('"the schema"."the table_the column_seq"') """ state.push("context", COLUMN_PREFIX) table = compile(expr.column.table, state, token=True) state.pop() column_name = compile(, state, token=True) if table.endswith('"'): table = table[:-1] if column_name.endswith('"'): column_name = column_name[1:-1] return "currval('%s_%s_seq\"')" % (table, column_name) elif column_name.endswith('"'): column_name = column_name[1:-1] if "." in table: schema, table = table.rsplit(".", 1) return "currval('%s.\"%s_%s_seq\"')" % (schema, table, column_name) else: return "currval('\"%s_%s_seq\"')" % (table, column_name) else: return "currval('%s_%s_seq')" % (table, column_name)
[docs]@compile.when(ListVariable) def compile_list_variable(compile, list_variable, state): elements = [] variables = list_variable.get(to_db=True) if variables is None: return "NULL" if not variables: return "'{}'" for variable in variables: elements.append(compile(variable, state)) return "ARRAY[%s]" % ",".join(elements)
[docs]@compile.when(SetExpr) def compile_set_expr_postgres(compile, expr, state): if expr.order_by is not Undef: # The following statement breaks in postgres: # SELECT 1 AS id UNION SELECT 1 ORDER BY id+1 # With the error: # ORDER BY on a UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT result must # be on one of the result columns # So we transform it into something close to: # SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 AS id UNION SELECT 1) AS a ORDER BY id+1 # Build new set expression without arguments (order_by, etc). new_expr = expr.__class__() new_expr.exprs = expr.exprs new_expr.all = expr.all # Make sure that state.aliases isn't None, since we want them to # compile our order_by statement below. no_aliases = state.aliases is None if no_aliases: state.push("aliases", {}) # Build set expression, collecting aliases. set_stmt = SQLRaw("(%s)" % compile_set_expr(compile, new_expr, state)) # Build order_by statement, using aliases. state.push("context", COLUMN_NAME) order_by_stmt = SQLRaw(compile(expr.order_by, state)) state.pop() # Discard aliases, if they were not being collected previously. if no_aliases: state.pop() # Build wrapping select statement. select = Select(SQLRaw("*"), tables=Alias(set_stmt), limit=expr.limit, offset=expr.offset, order_by=order_by_stmt) return compile_select(compile, select, state) else: return compile_set_expr(compile, expr, state)
[docs]@compile.when(Insert) def compile_insert_postgres(compile, insert, state): # PostgreSQL fails with INSERT INTO table VALUES (), so we transform # that to INSERT INTO table (id) VALUES (DEFAULT). if not and insert.primary_columns is not Undef:, SQLRaw("DEFAULT"))) return compile_insert(compile, insert, state)
[docs]@compile.when(Sequence) def compile_sequence_postgres(compile, sequence, state): return "nextval('%s')" %
[docs]@compile.when(Like) def compile_like_postgres(compile, like, state): if like.case_sensitive is False: return compile_like(compile, like, state, oper=" ILIKE ") return compile_like(compile, like, state)
[docs]@compile.when(SQLToken) def compile_sql_token_postgres(compile, expr, state): if "." in expr and state.context in (TABLE, COLUMN_PREFIX): return ".".join(compile_sql_token(compile, subexpr, state) for subexpr in expr.split(".")) return compile_sql_token(compile, expr, state)
[docs]class PostgresResult(Result):
[docs] def get_insert_identity(self, primary_key, primary_variables): equals = [] for column, variable in iter_zip(primary_key, primary_variables): if not variable.is_defined(): # The Select here prevents PostgreSQL from going nuts and # performing a sequential scan when there *is* an index. # variable = Select(currval(column)) equals.append(Eq(column, variable)) return And(*equals)
[docs]class PostgresConnection(Connection): result_factory = PostgresResult param_mark = "%s" compile = compile
[docs] def execute(self, statement, params=None, noresult=False): """Execute a statement with the given parameters. This extends the L{Connection.execute} method to add support for automatic retrieval of inserted primary keys to link in-memory objects with their specific rows. """ if (isinstance(statement, Insert) and self._database._version >= 80200 and statement.primary_variables is not Undef and statement.primary_columns is not Undef): # Here we decorate the Insert statement with a Returning # expression, so that we get back in the result the values # for the primary key just inserted. This prevents a round # trip to the database for obtaining these values. result = Connection.execute(self, Returning(statement), params) for variable, value in iter_zip(statement.primary_variables, result.get_one()): result.set_variable(variable, value) return result return Connection.execute(self, statement, params, noresult)
[docs] def to_database(self, params): """ Like L{Connection.to_database}, but this converts datetime types to strings and byte strings to L{psycopg2.Binary} instances. """ for param in params: if isinstance(param, Variable): param = param.get(to_db=True) if isinstance(param, (datetime, date, time, timedelta)): yield ustr(param) elif isinstance(param, bstr): yield psycopg2.Binary(param) else: yield param
[docs] def is_disconnection_error(self, exc, extra_disconnection_errors=()): # Attempt to use pgcode to determine the nature of the error. This is # more reliable than string matching because it is not affected by # locale settings. Fall through if pgcode is not available. if isinstance(exc, Error): pgcode = getattr(exc, "pgcode", None) if pgcode in pg_connection_failure_codes: return True disconnection_errors = ( DatabaseError, InterfaceError, OperationalError, ProgrammingError, extra_disconnection_errors) if isinstance(exc, disconnection_errors): # When the connection is closed by a termination of pgbouncer, a # DatabaseError or subclass with no message (depending on # psycopg2 version) is raised. If the raw connection is closed # we assume it's actually a disconnection. if isinstance(exc, DatabaseError): if self._raw_connection.closed: return True msg = ustr(exc) return ( "SSL SYSCALL error" in msg or "EOF detected" in msg or "connection already closed" in msg or "connection not open" in msg or "could not connect to server" in msg or "could not receive data from server" in msg or "could not send data to server" in msg or "losed the connection unexpectedly" in msg or "no connection to the server" in msg or "server closed the connection unexpectedly" in msg or "terminating connection due to administrator" in msg) return False
[docs]class Postgres(Database): connection_factory = PostgresConnection # An integer representing the server version. If the server does # not support the server_version_num variable, this will be set to # 0. In practice, this means the variable will be 0 or greater # than or equal to 80200. _version = None def __init__(self, uri): super(Postgres, self).__init__(uri) if psycopg2 is dummy: raise DatabaseModuleError("psycopg2>=2.5 not found") self._dsn = make_dsn(uri) isolation = uri.options.get("isolation", "repeatable-read") isolation_mapping = { "autocommit": psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT, "serializable": psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_SERIALIZABLE, "read-committed": psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED, "repeatable-read": psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_REPEATABLE_READ, "read-uncommitted": psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_UNCOMMITTED} try: self._isolation = isolation_mapping[isolation] except KeyError: raise ValueError( "Unknown serialization level %r: expected one of " "'autocommit', 'serializable', 'read-committed'" % (isolation,))
[docs] def raw_connect(self): raw_connection = psycopg2.connect(self._dsn) if self._version is None: cursor = raw_connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute("SHOW server_version_num") except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: self._version = 0 else: self._version = int(cursor.fetchone()[0]) raw_connection.rollback() raw_connection.set_client_encoding("UTF8") raw_connection.set_isolation_level(self._isolation) return raw_connection
create_from_uri = Postgres if psycopg2 is not dummy: psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.UNICODE) psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2._psycopg.UNICODEARRAY)
[docs]def make_dsn(uri): """Convert a URI object to a PostgreSQL DSN string.""" dsn = "dbname=%s" % uri.database if is not None: dsn += " host=%s" % if uri.port is not None: dsn += " port=%d" % uri.port if uri.username is not None: dsn += " user=%s" % uri.username if uri.password is not None: dsn += " password=%s" % uri.password return dsn
# Postgres-specific operators
[docs]class JSONElement(BinaryOper): """Return an element of a JSON value (by index or field name).""" oper = "->"
[docs]class JSONTextElement(BinaryOper): """Return an element of a JSON value (by index or field name) as text.""" oper = "->>"
# Postgres-specific properties and variables
[docs]class JSONVariable(BaseJSONVariable): __slots__ = () def _loads(self, value): # Since psycopg2 2.5 the value is decoded by the driver return value
[docs]class JSON(SimpleProperty): variable_class = JSONVariable