Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Canonical
# Written by Gustavo Niemeyer <>
# This file is part of Storm Object Relational Mapper.
# Storm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Storm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from weakref import ref

from storm.compat import iter_values, string_types
from storm.exceptions import ClassInfoError
from storm.expr import Column, Desc, TABLE
from storm.expr import compile, Table
from storm.event import EventSystem
from storm import Undef, has_cextensions

__all__ = ["get_obj_info", "set_obj_info", "get_cls_info",
           "ClassInfo", "ObjectInfo", "ClassAlias"]

def get_obj_info(obj):
        return obj.__storm_object_info__
    except AttributeError:
        # Instantiate ObjectInfo first, so that it breaks gracefully,
        # in case the object isn't a storm object.
        obj_info = ObjectInfo(obj)
        return obj.__dict__.setdefault("__storm_object_info__", obj_info)

[docs]def set_obj_info(obj, obj_info): obj.__dict__["__storm_object_info__"] = obj_info
[docs]def get_cls_info(cls): if "__storm_class_info__" in cls.__dict__: # Can't use attribute access here, otherwise subclassing won't work. return cls.__dict__["__storm_class_info__"] else: cls.__storm_class_info__ = ClassInfo(cls) return cls.__storm_class_info__
[docs]class ClassInfo(dict): """Persistent storm-related information of a class. The following attributes are defined: @ivar table: Expression from where columns will be looked up. @ivar cls: Class which should be used to build objects. @ivar columns: Tuple of column properties found in the class. @ivar primary_key: Tuple of column properties used to form the primary key @ivar primary_key_pos: Position of primary_key items in the columns tuple. """ def __init__(self, cls): self.table = getattr(cls, "__storm_table__", None) if self.table is None: raise ClassInfoError("%s.__storm_table__ missing" % repr(cls)) self.cls = cls if isinstance(self.table, string_types): self.table = Table(self.table) pairs = [] for attr in dir(cls): column = getattr(cls, attr, None) if isinstance(column, Column): pairs.append((attr, column)) pairs.sort() self.columns = tuple(pair[1] for pair in pairs) self.attributes = dict(pairs) storm_primary = getattr(cls, "__storm_primary__", None) if storm_primary is not None: if type(storm_primary) is not tuple: storm_primary = (storm_primary,) self.primary_key = tuple(self.attributes[attr] for attr in storm_primary) else: primary = [] primary_attrs = {} for attr, column in pairs: if column.primary != 0: if column.primary in primary_attrs: raise ClassInfoError( "%s has two columns with the same primary id: " "%s and %s" % (repr(cls), attr, primary_attrs[column.primary])) primary.append((column.primary, column)) primary_attrs[column.primary] = attr primary.sort() self.primary_key = tuple(column for i, column in primary) if not self.primary_key: raise ClassInfoError("%s has no primary key information" % repr(cls)) # columns have __eq__ implementations that do things we don't want - we # want to look these up in a dict and use identity semantics id_positions = dict((id(column), i) for i, column in enumerate(self.columns)) self.primary_key_idx = dict((id(column), i) for i, column in enumerate(self.primary_key)) self.primary_key_pos = tuple(id_positions[id(column)] for column in self.primary_key) __order__ = getattr(cls, "__storm_order__", None) if __order__ is None: self.default_order = Undef else: if type(__order__) is not tuple: __order__ = (__order__,) self.default_order = [] for item in __order__: if isinstance(item, string_types): if item.startswith("-"): prop = Desc(getattr(cls, item[1:])) else: prop = getattr(cls, item) else: prop = item self.default_order.append(prop) def __eq__(self, other): return self is other def __ne__(self, other): return self is not other
[docs]class ObjectInfo(dict): __hash__ = object.__hash__ # For get_obj_info(), an ObjectInfo is its own obj_info. __storm_object_info__ = property(lambda self: self) def __init__(self, obj): # FASTPATH This method is part of the fast path. Be careful when # changing it (try to profile any changes). # First thing, try to create a ClassInfo for the object's class. # This ensures that obj is the kind of object we expect. self.cls_info = get_cls_info(type(obj)) self.set_obj(obj) self.event = event = EventSystem(self) self.variables = variables = {} for column in self.cls_info.columns: variables[column] = \ column.variable_factory(column=column, event=event, validator_object_factory=self.get_obj) self.primary_vars = tuple(variables[column] for column in self.cls_info.primary_key) def __eq__(self, other): return self is other def __ne__(self, other): return self is not other def set_obj(self, obj): self._ref = ref(obj, self._emit_object_deleted) def get_obj(self): return self._ref() def _emit_object_deleted(self, obj_ref): self.event.emit("object-deleted") def checkpoint(self): for variable in iter_values(self.variables): variable.checkpoint()
if has_cextensions: from storm.cextensions import ObjectInfo, get_obj_info
[docs]class ClassAlias(object): """Create a named alias for a Storm class for use in queries. This is useful basically when the SQL 'AS' feature is desired in code using Storm queries. ClassAliases which are explicitly named (i.e., when 'name' is passed) are cached for as long as the class exists, such that the alias returned from C{ClassAlias(Foo, 'foo_alias')} will be the same object no matter how many times it's called. @param cls: The class to create the alias of. @param name: If provided, specify the name of the alias to create. """ alias_count = 0 def __new__(self_cls, cls, name=Undef): if name is Undef: use_cache = False ClassAlias.alias_count += 1 name = "_%x" % ClassAlias.alias_count else: use_cache = True cache = cls.__dict__.get("_storm_alias_cache") if cache is None: cls._storm_alias_cache = {} elif name in cache: return cache[name] alias_cls = type(cls.__name__ + "Alias", (self_cls,), {"__storm_table__": name}) alias_cls.__bases__ = (cls, self_cls) alias_cls_info = get_cls_info(alias_cls) alias_cls_info.cls = cls if use_cache: cls._storm_alias_cache[name] = alias_cls return alias_cls
@compile.when(type) def compile_type(compile, expr, state): cls_info = get_cls_info(expr) table = compile(cls_info.table, state) if state.context is TABLE and issubclass(expr, ClassAlias): return "%s AS %s" % (compile(cls_info.cls, state), table) return table