Source code for storm.references

# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Canonical
# Written by Gustavo Niemeyer <>
# This file is part of Storm Object Relational Mapper.
# Storm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Storm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import weakref

from storm.compat import iter_items, iter_zip, string_types
from storm.exceptions import (
    ClassInfoError, FeatureError, NoStoreError, WrongStoreError)
from import Store, get_where_for_args, LostObjectError
from storm.variables import LazyValue
from storm.expr import (
    Select, Column, Exists, ComparableExpr, SuffixExpr, LeftJoin, Not, SQLRaw,
    compare_columns, compile)
from import get_cls_info, get_obj_info

__all__ = ["Reference", "ReferenceSet", "Proxy"]

class LazyAttribute(object):
    This descriptor will call the named attribute builder to
    initialize the given attribute on first access.  It avoids
    having a test at every single place where the attribute is
    touched when lazy initialization is wanted, and prevents
    paying the price of a normal property when classes are
    seldomly instantiated (the case of references).

    def __init__(self, attr, attr_builder):
        self._attr = attr
        self._attr_builder = attr_builder

    def __get__(self, obj, cls=None):
        getattr(obj, self._attr_builder)()
        return getattr(obj, self._attr)

class PendingReferenceValue(LazyValue):
    """Lazy value to be used as a marker for unflushed foreign keys.

    When a reference is set to an object which is still unflushed,
    the foreign key in the local object remains set to this value
    until the object is flushed.

PendingReferenceValue = PendingReferenceValue()

[docs]class Reference(object): """Descriptor for one-to-one relationships. This is typically used when the class that it is being defined on has a foreign key onto another table:: class OtherGuy(object): ... id = Int() class MyGuy(object): ... other_guy_id = Int() other_guy = Reference(other_guy_id, but can also be used for backwards references, where OtherGuy's table has a foreign key onto the class that you want this property on:: class OtherGuy(object): ... my_guy_id = Int() # in the database, a foreign key to class MyGuy(object): ... id = Int() other_guy = Reference(id, OtherGuy.my_guy_id, on_remote=True) In both cases, C{MyGuy().other_guy} will resolve to the C{OtherGuy} instance which is linked to it. In the first case, it will be the C{OtherGuy} instance whose C{id} is equivalent to the C{MyGuy}'s C{other_guy_id}; in the second, it'll be the C{OtherGuy} instance whose C{my_guy_id} is equivalent to the C{MyGuy}'s C{id}. Assigning to the property, for example with C{MyGuy().other_guy = OtherGuy()}, will link the objects and update either C{MyGuy.other_guy_id} or C{OtherGuy.my_guy_id} accordingly. """ # Must initialize _relation later because we don't want to resolve # string references at definition time, since classes refered to might # not be available yet. Notice that this attribute is "public" to the # Proxy class. It's still underlined because it's *NOT* part of the # public API of Storm (we'll modify it without warnings!). _relation = LazyAttribute("_relation", "_build_relation") def __init__(self, local_key, remote_key, on_remote=False): """ Create a Reference property. @param local_key: The sibling column which is the foreign key onto C{remote_key}. (unless C{on_remote} is passed; see below). @param remote_key: The column on the referred-to object which will have the same value as that for C{local_key} when resolved on an instance. @param on_remote: If specified, then the reference is backwards: It is the C{remote_key} which is a foreign key onto C{local_key}. """ self._local_key = local_key self._remote_key = remote_key self._on_remote = on_remote self._cls = None def __get__(self, local, cls=None): if local is not None: # Don't use local here, as it might be security proxied. local = get_obj_info(local).get_obj() if self._cls is None: self._cls = _find_descriptor_class(cls or local.__class__, self) if local is None: return self remote = self._relation.get_remote(local) if remote is not None: return remote if self._relation.local_variables_are_none(local): return None store = Store.of(local) if store is None: return None if self._relation.remote_key_is_primary: remote = store.get(self._relation.remote_cls, self._relation.get_local_variables(local)) else: where = self._relation.get_where_for_remote(local) result = store.find(self._relation.remote_cls, where) remote = if remote is not None:, remote) return remote def __set__(self, local, remote): # Don't use local here, as it might be security proxied or something. local = get_obj_info(local).get_obj() if self._cls is None: self._cls = _find_descriptor_class(local.__class__, self) if remote is None: if self._on_remote: remote = self.__get__(local) if remote is None: return else: remote = self._relation.get_remote(local) if remote is None: remote_info = None else: remote_info = get_obj_info(remote) self._relation.unlink(get_obj_info(local), remote_info, True) else: # Don't use remote here, as it might be # security proxied or something. try: remote = get_obj_info(remote).get_obj() except ClassInfoError: pass # It might fail when remote is a tuple or a raw value., remote, True) def _build_relation(self): resolver = PropertyResolver(self, self._cls) self._local_key = resolver.resolve(self._local_key) self._remote_key = resolver.resolve(self._remote_key) self._relation = Relation(self._local_key, self._remote_key, False, self._on_remote) def __eq__(self, other): return self._relation.get_where_for_local(other) def __ne__(self, other): return Not(self == other)
[docs]class ReferenceSet(object): # Must initialize later because we don't want to resolve string # references at definition time, since classes refered to might # not be available yet. _relation1 = LazyAttribute("_relation1", "_build_relations") _relation2 = LazyAttribute("_relation2", "_build_relations") _order_by = LazyAttribute("_order_by", "_build_relations") def __init__(self, local_key1, remote_key1, remote_key2=None, local_key2=None, order_by=None): self._local_key1 = local_key1 self._remote_key1 = remote_key1 self._remote_key2 = remote_key2 self._local_key2 = local_key2 self._default_order_by = order_by self._cls = None def __get__(self, local, cls=None): if local is not None: # Don't use local here, as it might be security proxied. local = get_obj_info(local).get_obj() if self._cls is None: self._cls = _find_descriptor_class(cls or local.__class__, self) if local is None: return self #store = Store.of(local) #if store is None: # return None if self._relation2 is None: return BoundReferenceSet(self._relation1, local, self._order_by) else: return BoundIndirectReferenceSet(self._relation1, self._relation2, local, self._order_by) def __set__(self, local, value): raise FeatureError("Assigning to ResultSets not supported") def _build_relations(self): resolver = PropertyResolver(self, self._cls) if self._default_order_by is not None: self._order_by = resolver.resolve(self._default_order_by) else: self._order_by = None self._local_key1 = resolver.resolve(self._local_key1) self._remote_key1 = resolver.resolve(self._remote_key1) self._relation1 = Relation(self._local_key1, self._remote_key1, True, True) if self._local_key2 and self._remote_key2: self._local_key2 = resolver.resolve(self._local_key2) self._remote_key2 = resolver.resolve(self._remote_key2) self._relation2 = Relation(self._local_key2, self._remote_key2, True, True) else: self._relation2 = None
class BoundReferenceSetBase(object): def find(self, *args, **kwargs): store = Store.of(self._local) if store is None: raise NoStoreError("Can't perform operation without a store") where = self._get_where_clause() result = store.find(self._target_cls, where, *args, **kwargs) if self._order_by is not None: result.order_by(*self._order_by) return result def __iter__(self): return self.find().__iter__() def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.find() def first(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.find(*args, **kwargs).first() def last(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.find(*args, **kwargs).last() def any(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.find(*args, **kwargs).any() def one(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.find(*args, **kwargs).one() def values(self, *columns): return self.find().values(*columns) def order_by(self, *args): return self.find().order_by(*args) def count(self): return self.find().count() class BoundReferenceSet(BoundReferenceSetBase): def __init__(self, relation, local, order_by): self._relation = relation self._local = local self._target_cls = self._relation.remote_cls self._order_by = order_by def _get_where_clause(self): return self._relation.get_where_for_remote(self._local) def clear(self, *args, **kwargs): set_kwargs = {} for remote_column in self._relation.remote_key: set_kwargs[] = None store = Store.of(self._local) if store is None: raise NoStoreError("Can't perform operation without a store") where = self._relation.get_where_for_remote(self._local) store.find(self._target_cls, where, *args, **kwargs).set(**set_kwargs) def add(self, remote):, remote, True) def remove(self, remote): self._relation.unlink(get_obj_info(self._local), get_obj_info(remote), True) class BoundIndirectReferenceSet(BoundReferenceSetBase): def __init__(self, relation1, relation2, local, order_by): self._relation1 = relation1 self._relation2 = relation2 self._local = local self._order_by = order_by self._target_cls = relation2.local_cls self._link_cls = relation1.remote_cls def _get_where_clause(self): return (self._relation1.get_where_for_remote(self._local) & self._relation2.get_where_for_join()) def clear(self, *args, **kwargs): store = Store.of(self._local) if store is None: raise NoStoreError("Can't perform operation without a store") where = self._relation1.get_where_for_remote(self._local) if args or kwargs: filter = get_where_for_args(args, kwargs, self._target_cls) join = self._relation2.get_where_for_join() table = get_cls_info(self._target_cls).table where &= Exists(Select(SQLRaw("*"), join & filter, tables=table)) store.find(self._link_cls, where).remove() def add(self, remote): link = self._link_cls(), link, True) # Don't use remote here, as it might be security proxied or something. remote = get_obj_info(remote).get_obj(), link, True) def remove(self, remote): store = Store.of(self._local) if store is None: raise NoStoreError("Can't perform operation without a store") # Don't use remote here, as it might be security proxied or something. remote = get_obj_info(remote).get_obj() where = (self._relation1.get_where_for_remote(self._local) & self._relation2.get_where_for_remote(remote)) store.find(self._link_cls, where).remove()
[docs]class Proxy(ComparableExpr): """Proxy exposes a referred object's column as a local column. For example:: class Foo(object): bar_id = Int() bar = Reference(bar_id, bar_title = Proxy(bar, Bar.title) For most uses, Foo.bar_title should behave as if it were a native property of Foo. """
[docs] class RemoteProp(object): """ This descriptor will resolve and set the _remote_prop attribute when it's first used. It avoids having a test at every single place where the attribute is touched. """ def __get__(self, obj, cls=None): resolver = PropertyResolver(obj, obj._cls) obj._remote_prop = resolver.resolve_one(obj._unresolved_prop) return obj._remote_prop
_remote_prop = RemoteProp() def __init__(self, reference, remote_prop): self._reference = reference self._unresolved_prop = remote_prop self._cls = None def __get__(self, obj, cls=None): if self._cls is None: self._cls = _find_descriptor_class(cls, self) if obj is None: return self # Have you counted how many descriptors we're dealing with here? ;-) return self._remote_prop.__get__(self._reference.__get__(obj)) def __set__(self, obj, value): return self._remote_prop.__set__(self._reference.__get__(obj), value) @property def variable_factory(self): return self._remote_prop.variable_factory
@compile.when(Proxy) def compile_proxy(compile, proxy, state): # Inject the join between the table of the class holding the proxy # and the table of the class which is the target of the reference. left_join = LeftJoin(proxy._reference._relation.local_cls, proxy._remote_prop.table, proxy._reference._relation.get_where_for_join()) state.auto_tables.append(left_join) # And compile the remote property normally. return compile(proxy._remote_prop, state) class Relation(object): def __init__(self, local_key, remote_key, many, on_remote): assert type(local_key) is tuple and type(remote_key) is tuple self.local_key = local_key self.remote_key = remote_key self.local_cls = getattr(self.local_key[0], "cls", None) self.remote_cls = self.remote_key[0].cls self.remote_key_is_primary = False primary_key = get_cls_info(self.remote_cls).primary_key if len(primary_key) == len(self.remote_key): for column1, column2 in iter_zip(self.remote_key, primary_key): if != break else: self.remote_key_is_primary = True self.many = many self.on_remote = on_remote # XXX These should probably be weak dictionaries. self._local_columns = {} self._remote_columns = {} self._l_to_r = {} self._r_to_l = {} def get_remote(self, local): """Return the remote object for this relation, using the local cache. If the object in the cache is invalidated, we validate it again to check if it's still in the database. """ local_info = get_obj_info(local) try: obj = local_info[self]["remote"] except KeyError: return None remote_info = get_obj_info(obj) if remote_info.get("invalidated"): try: Store.of(obj)._validate_alive(remote_info) except LostObjectError: return None return obj def get_where_for_remote(self, local): """Generate a column comparison expression for reference properties. The returned expression may be used to find objects of the I{remote} type referring to C{local}. """ local_variables = self.get_local_variables(local) for variable in local_variables: if not variable.is_defined(): Store.of(local).flush() break return compare_columns(self.remote_key, local_variables) def get_where_for_local(self, other): """Generate a column comparison expression for reference properties. The returned expression may be used to find objects of the I{local} type referring to C{other}. It handles the following cases:: Class.reference == obj Class.reference == Class.reference == (obj.id1, obj.id2) Where the right-hand side is the C{other} object given. """ try: obj_info = get_obj_info(other) except ClassInfoError: if type(other) is not tuple: remote_variables = (other,) else: remote_variables = other else: # Don't use other here, as it might be # security proxied or something. other = get_obj_info(other).get_obj() remote_variables = self.get_remote_variables(other) return compare_columns(self.local_key, remote_variables) def get_where_for_join(self): return compare_columns(self.local_key, self.remote_key) def get_local_variables(self, local): local_info = get_obj_info(local) return tuple(local_info.variables[column] for column in self._get_local_columns(local.__class__)) def local_variables_are_none(self, local): """Return true if all variables of the local key have None values.""" local_info = get_obj_info(local) for column in self._get_local_columns(local.__class__): if local_info.variables[column].get() is not None: return False return True def get_remote_variables(self, remote): remote_info = get_obj_info(remote) return tuple(remote_info.variables[column] for column in self._get_remote_columns(remote.__class__)) def link(self, local, remote, setting=False): """Link objects to represent their relation. @param local: Object representing the I{local} side of the reference. @param remote: Object representing the I{remote} side of the reference, or the actual value to be set as the local key. @param setting: Pass true when the relationship is being newly created. """ local_info = get_obj_info(local) try: remote_info = get_obj_info(remote) except ClassInfoError: # Must be a plain key. Just set it. # XXX I guess this is broken if self.on_remote is True. local_variables = self.get_local_variables(local) if type(remote) is not tuple: remote = (remote,) assert len(remote) == len(local_variables) for variable, value in iter_zip(local_variables, remote): variable.set(value) return local_store = Store.of(local) remote_store = Store.of(remote) if setting: if local_store is None: if remote_store is None: local_info.event.hook("added", self._add_all, local_info) remote_info.event.hook("added", self._add_all, local_info) else: remote_store.add(local) local_store = remote_store elif remote_store is None: local_store.add(remote) elif local_store is not remote_store: raise WrongStoreError("%r and %r cannot be linked because they " "are in different stores." % (local, remote)) # In cases below, we maintain a reference to the remote object # to make sure it won't get deallocated while the link is active. relation_data = local_info.get(self) if self.many: if relation_data is None: relation_data = local_info[self] = {"remote": {remote_info: remote}} else: relation_data["remote"][remote_info] = remote else: if relation_data is None: relation_data = local_info[self] = {"remote": remote} else: old_remote = relation_data.get("remote") if old_remote is not None: self.unlink(local_info, get_obj_info(old_remote)) relation_data["remote"] = remote if setting: local_vars = local_info.variables remote_vars = remote_info.variables pairs = iter_zip(self._get_local_columns(local.__class__), self.remote_key) if self.on_remote: local_has_changed = False for local_column, remote_column in pairs: local_var = local_vars[local_column] if not local_var.is_defined(): remote_vars[remote_column].set(PendingReferenceValue) else: remote_vars[remote_column].set(local_var.get()) if local_var.has_changed(): local_has_changed = True if local_has_changed: self._add_flush_order(local_info, remote_info) local_info.event.hook("changed", self._track_local_changes, remote_info) local_info.event.hook("flushed", self._break_on_local_flushed, remote_info) #local_info.event.hook("removed", self._break_on_local_removed, # remote_info) remote_info.event.hook("removed", self._break_on_remote_removed, weakref.ref(local_info)) else: remote_has_changed = False for local_column, remote_column in pairs: remote_var = remote_vars[remote_column] if not remote_var.is_defined(): local_vars[local_column].set(PendingReferenceValue) else: local_vars[local_column].set(remote_var.get()) if remote_var.has_changed(): remote_has_changed = True if remote_has_changed: self._add_flush_order(local_info, remote_info, remote_first=True) remote_info.event.hook("changed", self._track_remote_changes, local_info) remote_info.event.hook("flushed", self._break_on_remote_flushed, local_info) #local_info.event.hook("removed", self._break_on_remote_removed, # local_info) local_info.event.hook("changed", self._break_on_local_diverged, remote_info) else: local_info.event.hook("changed", self._break_on_local_diverged, remote_info) remote_info.event.hook("changed", self._break_on_remote_diverged, weakref.ref(local_info)) if self.on_remote: remote_info.event.hook("removed", self._break_on_remote_removed, weakref.ref(local_info)) def unlink(self, local_info, remote_info, setting=False): """Break the relation between the local and remote objects. @param setting: If true objects will be changed to persist breakage. """ unhook = False relation_data = local_info.get(self) if relation_data is not None: if self.many: remote_infos = relation_data["remote"] if remote_info in remote_infos: remote_infos.pop(remote_info, None) unhook = True else: if relation_data.pop("remote", None) is not None: unhook = True if unhook: local_store = Store.of(local_info) local_info.event.unhook("changed", self._track_local_changes, remote_info) local_info.event.unhook("changed", self._break_on_local_diverged, remote_info) local_info.event.unhook("flushed", self._break_on_local_flushed, remote_info) remote_info.event.unhook("changed", self._track_remote_changes, local_info) remote_info.event.unhook("changed", self._break_on_remote_diverged, weakref.ref(local_info)) remote_info.event.unhook("flushed", self._break_on_remote_flushed, local_info) remote_info.event.unhook("removed", self._break_on_remote_removed, weakref.ref(local_info)) if local_store is None: if not self.many or not remote_infos: local_info.event.unhook("added", self._add_all, local_info) remote_info.event.unhook("added", self._add_all, local_info) else: flush_order = relation_data.get("flush_order") if flush_order is not None and remote_info in flush_order: if self.on_remote: local_store.remove_flush_order(local_info, remote_info) else: local_store.remove_flush_order(remote_info, local_info) flush_order.remove(remote_info) if setting: if self.on_remote: remote_vars = remote_info.variables for remote_column in self.remote_key: remote_vars[remote_column].set(None) else: local_vars = local_info.variables local_cols = self._get_local_columns(local_info.cls_info.cls) for local_column in local_cols: local_vars[local_column].set(None) def _add_flush_order(self, local_info, remote_info, remote_first=False): """Tell the Store to flush objects in the specified order. We need to conditionally remove the flush order in unlink() only if we added it here. Note that we can't just check if the Store has ordering on the (local, remote) pair, since it may have more than one request for ordering it, from different relations. @param local_info: The object info for the local object. @param remote_info: The object info for the remote object. @param remote_first: If True, remote_info will be flushed before local_info. """ local_store = Store.of(local_info) if local_store is not None: flush_order = local_info[self].setdefault("flush_order", set()) if remote_info not in flush_order: flush_order.add(remote_info) if remote_first: local_store.add_flush_order(remote_info, local_info) else: local_store.add_flush_order(local_info, remote_info) def _track_local_changes(self, local_info, local_variable, old_value, new_value, fromdb, remote_info): """Deliver changes in local to remote. This hook ensures that the remote object will keep track of changes done in the local object, either manually or at flushing time. """ remote_column = self._get_remote_column(local_info.cls_info.cls, local_variable.column) if remote_column is not None: remote_info.variables[remote_column].set(new_value) self._add_flush_order(local_info, remote_info) def _track_remote_changes(self, remote_info, remote_variable, old_value, new_value, fromdb, local_info): """Deliver changes in remote to local. This hook ensures that the local object will keep track of changes done in the remote object, either manually or at flushing time. """ local_column = self._get_local_column(local_info.cls_info.cls, remote_variable.column) if local_column is not None: local_info.variables[local_column].set(new_value) self._add_flush_order(local_info, remote_info, remote_first=True) def _break_on_local_diverged(self, local_info, local_variable, old_value, new_value, fromdb, remote_info): """Break the remote/local relationship on diverging changes. This hook ensures that if the local object has an attribute changed by hand in a way that diverges from the remote object, it stops tracking changes. """ remote_column = self._get_remote_column(local_info.cls_info.cls, local_variable.column) if remote_column is not None: variable = remote_info.variables[remote_column] if variable.get_lazy() is None and variable.get() != new_value: self.unlink(local_info, remote_info) def _break_on_remote_diverged(self, remote_info, remote_variable, old_value, new_value, fromdb, local_info_ref): """Break the remote/local relationship on diverging changes. This hook ensures that if the remote object has an attribute changed by hand in a way that diverges from the local object, the relationship is undone. """ local_info = local_info_ref() if local_info is None: return local_column = self._get_local_column(local_info.cls_info.cls, remote_variable.column) if local_column is not None: local_value = local_info.variables[local_column].get() if local_value != new_value: self.unlink(local_info, remote_info) def _break_on_local_flushed(self, local_info, remote_info): """Break the remote/local relationship on flush.""" self.unlink(local_info, remote_info) def _break_on_remote_flushed(self, remote_info, local_info): """Break the remote/local relationship on flush.""" self.unlink(local_info, remote_info) def _break_on_remote_removed(self, remote_info, local_info_ref): """Break the remote relationship when the remote object is removed.""" local_info = local_info_ref() if local_info is not None: self.unlink(local_info, remote_info) def _add_all(self, obj_info, local_info): store = Store.of(obj_info) store.add(local_info) local_info.event.unhook("added", self._add_all, local_info) def add(remote_info): remote_info.event.unhook("added", self._add_all, local_info) store.add(remote_info) self._add_flush_order(local_info, remote_info, remote_first=(not self.on_remote)) if self.many: for remote_info in local_info[self]["remote"]: add(remote_info) else: add(get_obj_info(local_info[self]["remote"])) def _get_remote_columns(self, remote_cls): try: return self._remote_columns[remote_cls] except KeyError: columns = tuple(prop.__get__(None, remote_cls) for prop in self.remote_key) self._remote_columns[remote_cls] = columns return columns def _get_local_columns(self, local_cls): try: return self._local_columns[local_cls] except KeyError: columns = tuple(prop.__get__(None, local_cls) for prop in self.local_key) self._local_columns[local_cls] = columns return columns def _get_remote_column(self, local_cls, local_column): try: return self._l_to_r[local_cls].get(local_column) except KeyError: map = {} for local_prop, _remote_column in iter_zip(self.local_key, self.remote_key): map[local_prop.__get__(None, local_cls)] = _remote_column return self._l_to_r.setdefault(local_cls, map).get(local_column) def _get_local_column(self, local_cls, remote_column): try: return self._r_to_l[local_cls].get(remote_column) except KeyError: map = {} for local_prop, _remote_column in iter_zip(self.local_key, self.remote_key): map[_remote_column] = local_prop.__get__(None, local_cls) return self._r_to_l.setdefault(local_cls, map).get(remote_column) class PropertyResolver(object): """Transform strings and pure properties (non-columns) into columns.""" def __init__(self, reference, used_cls): self._reference = reference self._used_cls = used_cls self._registry = None self._namespace = None def resolve(self, properties): if not type(properties) is tuple: return (self.resolve_one(properties),) return tuple(self.resolve_one(property) for property in properties) def resolve_one(self, property): if type(property) is tuple: return self.resolve(property) elif isinstance(property, string_types): return self._resolve_string(property) elif isinstance(property, SuffixExpr): # XXX This covers cases like order_by=Desc(""), see #620369. # Eventually we might want to add support for other types of # expressions property.expr = self.resolve(property.expr) return property elif not isinstance(property, Column): return _find_descriptor_obj(self._used_cls, property) return property def _resolve_string(self, property_path): if self._registry is None: try: self._registry = self._used_cls._storm_property_registry except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("When using strings on references, " "classes involved must be subclasses " "of 'Storm'") cls = _find_descriptor_class(self._used_cls, self._reference) self._namespace = "%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__) return self._registry.get(property_path, self._namespace) def _find_descriptor_class(used_cls, descr): for cls in used_cls.__mro__: for attr, _descr in iter_items(cls.__dict__): if _descr is descr: return cls raise RuntimeError("Reference used in an unknown class") def _find_descriptor_obj(used_cls, descr): for cls in used_cls.__mro__: for attr, _descr in iter_items(cls.__dict__): if _descr is descr: return getattr(cls, attr) raise RuntimeError("Reference used in an unknown class")